A Creative and critical intervention that explores the past, present, and future of the metropolitan regeneration.
Manchester Metropolitan University
Home fees covered. Eligible overseas students will be required to make up the difference in tuition fees where funding is available.
Start date: October 2022
River Irk Valley is a landscape rich in the past have played a climactic role in the industrial legacy of the city of Manchester. Now partially culverted beneath Victoria Station, the river also has been a symbol of the environmental hurt that industrialization can yield. This 3.5-year fully-funded project – organized in partnership with Manchester City Council and housed in the Leverhulme Unit for the Design of Cities of the Future at Manchester Met - will draw upon both critical and creative strategies to investigate how the (his)stories of the River Irk might inform and challenge plans for the future of this area of Manchester.
The successful applicant will be allowed to shape the project according to their academic background and interests. The methodology is expected to include archival research on the history of the Irk, analysis of extant cultural representations, and a co-produced element based on work with local communities. It might further incorporate place writing, oral history research, creative cartography, and critical comparisons of the Irk and other urban rivers.
The Irk Valley is also home to Victoria North: the North of England’s most ambitious urban regeneration program. Crucially, then, this assignment will examine how creative strategies can inform and/or challenge plans for the sustainable regeneration of Victoria North and other such developments both in the UK and internationally.
What is the difference between an aim and an objective?
An aim is a general statement of intent. It describes the direction in which the learner will go in terms of what they might learn or what the teacher/training will deliver. An objective is a more specific statement about what the learner should or will be able to do after the training experience.
Read More about differences between an aim and an objective here;
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